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Group Lead

  • Profile photo of Mohammad Hafezi

    Mohammad Hafezi

    Minta Martin Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics (Joint appointment), Simons Fellow

Postdoctoral Researchers

  • A young man sits posed in front of draped golden and white fabric. He wears glasses, a red and white striped shirt, a wool suit jacket, and a rose bouttaniere.  He is faintly smiling.

    Yang-Zhi Chou

    Assistant Research Scientist

  • Profile photo of Hossein Dehghani

    Hossein Dehghani

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • A smiling, bearded young man wearing glasses and a striped shirt appears outdoors with a blue sky background.

    Mahdi Ghafariasl

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Andrey Grankin

    Andrey Grankin

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Mahmoud Jalali Mehrabad

    Mahmoud Jalali Mehrabad

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Nikko Pomata

    Nikko Pomata

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • A bearded young man with light brown hair peers over his glasses, with a questioning look, and a blackboard in the background.

    Benyamin Remez

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • a photo of a man wearing a red shirt

    Alexander Schuckert

    Theoretical Quantum Optics Postdoctoral Fellow

  • A smiling young Asian man at a desk with short dark hair and glasses.

    Yan-Qi Wang

    JQI Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Yuxin

    Yu-Xin Wang

    Hartree Postdoctoral Fellow

  • A photo of Christopher White, outdoors, wearing a flannel shirt, and smiling.

    Christopher White

    Postdoctoral Scholar

Graduate Students

  • A smiling young woman appears standing in front of a stone wall.

    Ghadah Alshalan

    Graduate Student

  • A smiling young man with brown skin and short hair is picutred in an outdoor environment.

    Parth Darekar

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Beini Gao

    Beini Gao

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Tsung-Sheng Huang

    Tsung-Sheng Huang

    Graduate Student

  • A photo of Kaixin Huang, who looks intently at the camera. He wears a black t-shirt and backpack. The sky is blue and cloudy behind him.

    Kaixin Huang

    Graduate Student

  • A smiling man appears with a bridge in the background, night time setting.

    Masoud Mohammadi-Arzanagh

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Gautam Nambiar

    Gautam Nambiar

    Graduate Student

  • A smiling young woman with brown skin, wearing glasses, a parka and beanie hat, leaning on a bridge within a cityscape..

    Apurva Padhye

    Graduate Student

  • A smiling young man appears, with brown skin and black hair, wearing a green t-shirt.

    Kaushik Reddy

    Graduate Student

  • A smiling young man wearing a blue suit and glasses appears on a yellow background.

    Soumadeep Saha

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Supratik Sarkar

    Supratik Sarkar

    Graduate Student

  • A photo of Pranshoo Upadhyay

    Pranshoo Upadhyay

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Lida Xu

    Lida Xu

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Yijia Xu

    Yijia Xu

    Graduate Student

Undergraduate Students

  • A smiling young man with light wearing a green teeshirt is pictured outdoors, with a tree in the background.

    Gavin Bogdan

    Research Assistant

  • A smiling young man with brown skin and dark hair is pictured in an indoor setting

    Neil Shah

    Research Assistant


  • A photo of Mohammad Alam, wearing a blue shirt and smiling.

    Mohammad Safwan Alam

    Graduate, Class of 2023

  • Profile photo of Christopher Baldwin

    Chris Baldwin

    Assistant Professor at Michigan State University. Former NRC Postdoctoral Fellow.

  • Profile photo of Sabyasachi Barik

    Sabyasachi Barik


  • Profile photo of Bin Cao

    Bin Cao


  • A young man wearing a black shirt stands facing the camera with a white background.

    Yu-An Chen

    Assistant Professor at Peking University. Former JQI Postdoctoral Fellow.

  • Profile photo of Ze-Pei Cian

    Ze-Pei Cian

    Quantitative Researcher, Millennium

  • Profile photo of Eleanor Crane

    Eleanor Crane

    Postdoctoral Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Profile photo of Wade DeGottardi

    Wade DeGottardi

    Assistant Professor at Texas Tech University (Physics Department)

  • Profile photo of Christopher Flower

    Christopher Flower

    Research Physicist, The Naval Research Lab

  • A smiling man with light brown skin sits in an office interior.

    Daniel Suarez Forero

    Assistant Prof. UMBC (starting 2025)

  • Profile photo of Hwanmun Kim

    Hwanmun Kim

    SoundHound (Machine Learning Engineer)

  • Profile photo of En-Jui Kuo

    En Jui Kuo

    Graduate Student

  • Smiling young man with light skin and dark hair appear in a wilderness setting with mountainous background.

    Ethan Levy

    PhD student, University of Southern California

  • Profile Photo of Kevin Li

    Kevin Li

    Graduate, Class of 2023

  • Profile photo of Peter Lunts

    Peter Lunts

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University Department of Physics

  • A photo of Erik Mechtel, seated indoors, smiling, wearing glasses and casually dressed.

    Erik Mechtel

    Research Assistant

  • Profile photo of Sunil Mittal

    Sunil Mittal

    Assistant Professor at Northeastern University

  • Head and shoulder of a smiling, light skinned man wearing glasses in an outdoors setting

    Niklas Mueller

    Research Assistant Professor at University of Washington

  • Genesis Engineering Solutions

  • David Roberts

    David Roberts


  • Profile photo of Alireza Seif

    Alireza Seif

    IBM Watson Research Center (Quantum Information)

  • Profile photo of Julia Sell

    Julia Sell

    Institute for Defense Analyses

  • Profile photo of Deric Session

    Deric Session

    Systems Scientist, Onto Innovation

  • Profile photo of Oles Shtanko

    Oles Shtanko

    Postdoctoral Researcher at IBM. Former Theoretical Quantum Optics Postdoctoral Fellow.

  • A photo of Valery Simonyan, wearing a casual navy blue suit jacket.  His hair is dark and curly, he has a light beard, and he is slightly smiling.  The background is grey.

    Valery Simonyan

    PhD Student in Physics, UMD

  • A young man appears in an indoor office setting.

    Jules Sueiro

    Graduate Student, École Polytechnique, France

  • Profile photo of Mathias Van Regemortel

    Mathias Van Regemortel

    Prophecy Labs (Data Scientist)

  • Profile photo of Jonathan Vennucci

    Jon Vannucci

    Northrop Grumman (Quantum Information)

  • Profile photo of Guanyu Zhu

    Guanyu Zhu

    IBM Watson Research Center (Quantum Information)