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Mohammad Hafezi

Minta Martin Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics (Joint appointment), Simons Fellow

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2307 Atlantic Building

Recent News

  • close up of a grid of rings with light swirling inside and spikes jutting out representing the elements of a frequency comb

    New Photonic Chip Spawns Nested Topological Frequency Comb

    June 20, 2024

    In new work, researchers at JQI have combined two lines of research into a new method for generating frequency combs.

  • Hero image for Strongly correlated electron–photon systems

    Strongly correlated electron–photon systems

    July 4, 2022

    In a Nature Perspective, we highlight a paradigm based on controlling light–matter interactions that provides a way to manipulate and synthesize strongly correlated quantum matter. Photon-mediated superconductivity, cavity fractional quantum Hall physics and optically driven topological phenomena in low dimensions are among the frontiers discussed in this Perspective.

  • Boson Sampling

    Boson Sampling for Generalized Bosons (Video)

    June 23, 2022

    Recent progress on quantum random sampling protocols such as random circuit sampling (interacting) and boson sampling (non-interacting) demonstrate an advantage of quantum information processing. Is there an intermediately interacting regime where the random sampling becomes intractable in a classical setting and becomes feasible on a quantum device? We found that such an intermediately interacting regime could be feasibly utilized by a generalization of current boson sampling protocols.