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Lab Facilities


- BLUEFORS dilution refrigerator, 60 mK, (9T-1T-1T), XYZ superconducting magnet

- BLUEFORS dilution refrigerator, 30 mK, 12T superconducting magnet

- Attocube, 4 K optical cryostat with 9T Faraday Magnet

- Attocube attoDRY 800, 4 K optical cryostat 

- Montana Instruments, 4 K optical cryostat


Laser systems

- Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA) fs laser, 250-2000 nm with 1 kHz Rep. rate

- Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) fs-ps laser, (Vis-NIR) with 80 MHz Rep. rate

- Two M2 SolsTiS tunable CW Ti:Sapphire laser, 690-1000 nm, with 20 kHz bandwidth

- Sirrah Matisse Dye laser, 550-750 nm, 10 W power

- Two Chameleon Tunable fs-pulsed laser, 690-1000 nm with 80 MHz Rep. rate                 

- Tsunami Mode locked fs-ps pulsed Ti: Sapphire laser, 690-1000 nm with 80 MHz Rep. rate

- Spectra Physics Millennia eV diode pump laser, 532 nm, 20 W power

- NKT photonics FemtoWhite 800, photonic crystal fiber white-light generation, 400-2600 nm

- Sirah SFM/DFM mixTrain

- SanTec Tunable IR CW laser, 1400-160 nm

- bKtl pulsed laser, 1500 nm, ns-pulsed-1kW 

- Lion NIR CW laser, 870-940 nm


Detectors, and Spectroscopy

- Five Princeton Instruments Acton spectrometers (Vis/NIR) 

- Three Blaze high-speed cameras

- Two Pylon high-speed cameras

- Andor 500 mm spectrometer for UV/Vis/NIR with Si CCD array

- SNSPD Single photon detector (Vis-NIR)



- Nikon Eclipse Microscope

- Inert gas Glovebox and van der Waals transfer microscope

- Fume hood 

- Westbond 7KE Wire bonder



- Van der Waals transfer microscope (in atmosphere)

- Three SRS Digitizer/lock-in amplifier/real-time spectrum analyzer

- Zurich instruments MFLI 5 MHz lock-in amplifier


Hafezi Lab set up
Hafezi Lab set up
Hafezi Lab set up